En la actualidad, Navasfrías-Foios journey is being conducted by an alternative 9,5 Km, New execution, completed in 2009. If the project goes ahead Delegation, “would involve a total investment of almost 800.000 euros for a reduction in just two and a half kilometers distance between the two populations”.
Said section was included earlier in a road project to link the towns of El Payo and Navasfrías with the edge of the border with Portugal. Passing through a natural area protected, such action requires mandatory form an Environmental Impact, in this case, It is collected in the BOCyL 160 of 17 de agosto de 2007. The Environmental Impact Statement for the project as a whole is favorable, although it is denied and suspends execution of the segment mentioned earlier to be a "zone of high environmental sensitivity".
Nonetheless, Salamanca Provincial Council “It seems determined to move forward with this expensive and unnecessary stretch (as we have already noted, there is a road between two towns) despite not having been admitted by the General Meeting of Castile and Leon in its technical reports and existing responses from the Directorate General Environment of the European Union in particular where the argument that that section will not be repeated get underway”.
After its declaration of negative environmental impact 2007, the deputation of Salamanca and some municipalities try again to build a road with NEGATIVE impact statement, “It seems that just two minutes of time can justify a disbursement of €787,999.99 and a real environmental attack,” say Ecologists in Action of Salmanca..
By providing all data and citizen outrage, this road was denied execution by REFUSAL Environmental Impact Statement published in the Official Bulletin of Castilla y Leon and date N ° 160 17 de agosto de 2007, precisely a detail that now ignores the new project, for being an “area of high environmental sensitivity”.
The meager data provided by the document that has developed Diputación de Salamanca, in order to replace the entire environmental assessment procedure previously denied, no account fragility and importance of the environment that seeks to destroy, or figures which enjoys protection under the Rural Development Program 2007-2013 the Junta de Castilla y León. From Ecologists in Action Salamanca note that "the initiation of any procedure that attempts to legalize this unnecessary road, It can be a mockery of the law and all citizens ".
Currently the way Navasfrías-Foios is carried out by an alternative route of 9.5km of new execution, Year ended 2009 and reached 1,000,000.00 €. The new road now intends to run, to join both parallel municipalities, would reduce the currently equipped route by only 2400m,
In the environmental group believe that improving the road network should not sacrifice the environment, especially inside a Natural Area, and even less when there is no apparent justification for this work, which raises the question of whether there may be hidden interests for the realization of this road covered by the county council and municipalities.