Navasfrías collected from large boletus 25 October, 2013 25 October, 2013 Navasfrias Navasfrías Micologica in Navasfrias season is being very fruitful. Proof of this is that our countryman Luis Mari has picked up 60 kg de boletus. Congratulations!!! Un saludo desde Luis Mari cesta de boletus Artículos relacionados.Boletus edulis of more than 2kg collected in NavasfríasHUGE BOLETUS NavasfríasBAD SEASON OF MUSHROOMSGrow the boletus and chanterelles? or longer will this fall?An autumnal recipe: Toast with ham and foie boletus published by: Navasfrias Navasfrias Audiovisuales, toros, capeas, reportajes y mucho más