Thermometers will remain stable over the weekend in the Peninsula, except in the northern peninsular area, registered with precipitation Friday, will lower temperatures until Sunday. More concretely, arrived Saturday in the eastern Cantabrian area, Navarra in northern and northeastern Catalonia, cloudless skies will be some weak precipitation at first, afternoon tending to cease and to be slightly cloudy skies with some interval.

Salamanca thermometers marked the lowest minimum temperature across the country regarding provincial capitals, six degrees at eight o'clock, according to the National Institute of Meteorology. Even in Navasfrías, in the region of Ciudad Rodrigo, the temperature dropped during the last night until the two degrees, one of the lowest in the country.
On the other hand, daytime temperatures will rise light or moderately in the western half of peninsular; in moderate decline in the Mediterranean area, locally so noticeable on the coast of Valencia and unchanged in the rest. As for the night, they will drop moderately or lightly, except in the Andalusian coast, where there will be changes, Canary while temperatures remain unchanged.