Navasfrías and surrounding villages suffer depopulation.

According to the National Statistics Institute (INE), in early 2000 Spain had 40.499.791 people. A late, the Spanish population had increased to 47.021.031, an increase of more than six and a half million inhabitants. However, the impact on the region of Ciudad Rodrigo was nil, and even this area recorded a remarkable rate of depopulation during the first decade of the century.
Above 4.000 people left the region in the last ten years
In the last decade it has gone from 33.985 people, to lose even the barrier of 30.000.El most affected people in percentage levels, The Encina.
There are municipalities that lost at least a quarter of its population, as Aldehuela de Yeltes are, Campillo de Azaba, Herguijuela de Ciudad Rodrigo, Monsagro, Morasverdes, Navasfrías, Puebla de Yeltes, Grave-Hilaire, Serradilla del Llano, Tenebrón, Villar de la Yegua and Villasrubias.
Por el contrario, the municipality where the population decline was less pronounced was Abusejo, two people less in the balance of the decade, to stay in 254 people.

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