Navasfrías nematode
Again our people and the people of El Payo are affected by the restriction wood cutting due to the involvement pine nematode in the area of Valverde del Fresno.
The Junta de Castilla y León has established a demarcated area, salmantinos affecting municipalities Navasfrías and El Payo, and he adopted it emergency phytosanitary measures for controlling nematode pinewood (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), considered one of the most dangerous diseases worldwide conifers.
The regional government has taken preventive measures, surveillance, location and nematode control after pleading, the 15 March, infested tree in the Sierra of Malvana, in the town of Valverde del Fresno (Caceres) and given its proximity to the province of Salamanca, according to the Order of the Ministry of Public Works and Environment.
Así, It has been established for at least four years, and as established by the European Union, a demarcated area around the tree infested declared in Caceres.
This area comprises the surface resulting from drawing a circle 20 kilometer radius around that tree, located within the Community. Altogether this area has 4.913,19 hectares, the most (4.812,54) They belong to the municipality of Navasfrías and 100,65 at El Payo.
The Board conducted visual surveys and systematic controls, as set out in the National Contingency Plan, designed to detect the presence of the organism on plants, wood and derived products, of species susceptible to the nematode, with particular attention to forests and facilities for wood processing.
In the same way, Will be drawn up, in coordination with the central government, an action plan that will include all necessary concrete measures to control the disease with the least possible harm to the economic interests of foresters and environmental and landscape values.
Within her area demarcated, generally, It will proceed to logging and processed by authorized treatment of aerial parts of all plants susceptible species present decay, with sample collection and analysis in the laboratory dependent Counseling.
As it stated in the Order of the Board, nematode pinewood presents an enormous capacity to spread through the movement of goods (both plant material and other products carried by wooden packaging) and natural flight from delivery (wood-eating insects of the genus Monochamus).
This nematode has the legal status of harmful organism whose introduction and spread should be prohibited in all member states of the European Union if present in certain plants or plant products.
It has been detected in Europe mainly in batches and wooden packaging from Portugal, where it is present since 1999.
Navasfrías already been affected for several years by a restriction due to the presence of the nematode worm.
Hopefully you can control and restraint will not last the 4 years indicated.
Source: https://www.lagacetadesalamanca.es