The third of the Days of El Rebollar historians met in Navasfrías, semioticians and folklorists around a traditional open on historical themes and forms of culture retospectiva. The morning session began with a communication F. Javier Morales Paino about the feudal violence and anti-social conflicts in El Rebollar and its environs in the late fifteenth century.
Gonzalo Santiago Corchete, a communication suggestively titled "My Rebollar: 1945”, rebollana offered a stamp in the postwar years, from their own experiences in Peñaparda, a socially turbulent period and famine, in the natural environment both tough and inviting, worthy of contemplation, evoking the natural and urban geography of Peñaparda, Villa resting on the rock of the Castle and in the shadow of her ordeal, as well as tasks, the dress, Songs and language of its inhabitants.
Carlos Garcia Medina described the pastoral and popular iconography most characteristic of Western Salamanca, and he explained the meaning of the grounds of this traditional art, that he recovers in his painting, of which gave a sample, exposing a series of laminae. Por su parte, Manoli García Vicente, expert embroiderer Robleda, whose formation is based especially on a large capacity and execution observation, He made a presentation of photographs and samples of embroidery popular in the region, the result of ten years of work, o existentes en su propia familia. He highlighted the peculiarity of some work, whose origin may lift several centuries, as "chain stitch" and the predominance of black or navy blue wool black sheep.
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