Complete works Foios street widening 7 June, 2013 7 June, 2013 Navasfrias Noticias Navasfrías Finalizan las obras del ensanchamiento de la C/ Foios Navasfrias FINALIZADAS LAS OBRAS DEL ENSANCHAMIENTO DE LA CALLE FOIOS EN NAVASFRIAS. eNLACE A LAS FOTOS:… Artículos relacionados.Visit Wolframio Navasfrías minesLageosa da Raia Carnaval 2015After the start of work on the stretch of road that the council intends to build between Navasfrías and Ecologists in Action Foios Salamanca ask the cessation of worksNavasfrias holidays San Juan 2015The Carnaval del Toro, the 17 to the 21 February, have two bullfighting festivals, to be held on 18 and 21 February, in the ring these days homer is built in the Plaza Mayor mirobrigense published by: Navasfrias Navasfrias Audiovisuales, toros, capeas, reportajes y mucho más