bulls and bull test Aldeia Velha 2013 26 August, 2013 26 August, 2013 Navasfrias Navasfrías Navasfrias.net again in the village of Aldeia Velha confinement and dangerous bull in Forcón. http://youtu.be/62-2ztJPvpk Muy valientes. Artículos relacionados.Cut 8 ears and a tail to round off the celebrations of Carnival bull 2011Navasfrías PHOTOS OF SAN JUAN 2012Navasfrias, Works continue multifunctional centerCity Council repeals the ordinance Navasfrias Ins and citizenPHOTO GALLERY Fuenteguinaldo BICENTENARY published by: Navasfrias Navasfrias Audiovisuales, toros, capeas, reportajes y mucho más