The Carnaval del Toro 2012 already has official image. Se trata del cartel titulado Carnival words, authored by mirobrigenseEmilio Hernández.
This poster, se puede contemplar una Antruejo bull image of 2011, con una silhouette hood Hall just behind. Esta silueta está formada por diversas words relating to Carnival, as confinements, desencierros, registry, pesetas, bell, etc.
The jury finally chose this poster after an initial tie with another of the posters presented. The jury was made up of councilors Carmen Cambronero, Enrique Cencerrado, Adoración Cañamero, José Manuel Mangas and Dominic Benito, plus a representative of the company DT Computers
Bases and contest prizes were:
theme: Election poster of Carnaval del Toro 2012. The technique used and the colors to be free, but with the mandatory size: 50× 70 centimeters.
Participantes: All artists who wish, regardless of residence or nationality, with a maximum of 3 works per person.
Presentation: The posters must be submitted on rigid frame, without moldings of any kind and upright. It shall be accompanied by the cartel in electronic form.
Therein shall not include either the name or signature of the author. The back the title or slogan should appear in the work, to be included in a sealed envelope with the Registration Form.
Prize: 600 euros and diploma, passing the poster owned by the City. This contest may be declared void.
fuente: ciudadrodrigoaldia