On this morning, as established by the Organic Law 5/1985, of 19 de junio, of the General Electoral Regime, after elections held in the past 28 May 2023 the inauguration of the mayoralty of Navasfrías has taken place, by José Manuel Píriz.

Article 195
1. The municipal Corporations are constituted in a public session on the twentieth day after the elections are held., unless a contentious-electoral appeal had been filed against the proclamation of the elected councilors, in which case they are constituted on the fortieth day after the elections.
2. A tal fin, an Age Committee is constituted, made up of those elected of greater and lesser age, present at the event, acting as Secretary whoever is of the Corporation.
3. The Bureau checks the credentials presented, or accreditations of the personality of those elected based on the certifications that the Zone Electoral Board had sent to the City Council.
4. The above operation is done, the Board will declare the Corporation constituted if the absolute majority of the elected Councilors attend. Otherwise, session will be held two days later, the Corporation being constituted regardless of the number of councilors present.
From here we take the opportunity to congratulate our new mayor.